Total Hip Replacement Surgery - What do you need to know? Dr. Manu Mengi

Hip arthroplasty is a surgical procedure in which the hip joint will be replaced by an artificial joint frequently. It is made from metal and plastic materials also known as hip replacement or total hip replacement. Hip joint replacement will be required if there is severe pain in the hip joint, your mobility has become too painful even when resting due to severe arthritis or serious injury, and you can hardly perform and enjoy anymore your daily activities. But this method will be the last resort, doctors will still try non-surgical methods, such as physiotherapy and steroids, if it still doesn't work, that will be the time that orthopedic surgeon will recommend Hip Replacement in Chandigarh.

Total hip can be carried out using general anesthesia, you will be put in deep sleep and will feel no pain, as an alternative, a spinal anesthesia can also be used. After the surgery, you will require a wedge-shaped cushion between your legs to help to keep the hip joint in place and it will be 4 to 6 days before you can be discharged. Physical therapy usually begins the day after surgery and for the first 5 to 6 weeks after the operation you will require a walking aid for support.

Physical therapy will begin a day after the surgery. Your physical therapist will provide you with techniques as part of your recuperation. Knowing the right exercises aids in your recovery and will give you the tools you need to have your hip in good condition.

During your convalescence period, you should see your doctor if you are having these signs & symptoms:
1.     pain in the hip or leg
2.     swelling at or near the hip joint
3.     grinding from the hip
4.     Your legs may not be equal length after the surgery.
5.     Numbness in the hip or thigh
6.     Bleeding, hematoma or pus formation in the hip or thigh area

If you feel any of these symptoms, please contact your physician as soon as possible.

Once you had returned home, these are simple measures to help you in your recovery:
1.     Refrain from climbing the stairs.
2.     Always use straight-back chairs, refrain from using recliners.
3.     Use an elevated toilet seat. This will help your hips from stretching and bending.
4.     Do not sit too low or cross your legs too much.

It can take up to 12 months before it is fully healed and full mobility. But, even though it is already healed, you cannot do hard sports or strenuous activities that may injure your hip joint. Your artificial hip joint is designed to last for at LEAST 15 years. But, new technologies in materials and new techniques in surgery can make your hip joint last even longer.

Visit Dr. Manu Mengi today for the best and most affordable Hip Replacement Surgery in Chandigarh.


  1. Thanks for sharing this article. For the best hip replacement surgery, do visit the ARV Orthopaedic Hospital, best Orthopaedic doctor in Chandigarh.


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