Rheumatoid Arthritis Management Tips For Women. Dr. Manu Mengi
Arthritis is believed to be an older person's disease where one would have achy joints that have restricted movements but for some cases, arthritis is an autoimmune condition that affects almost every part of the body and people in their 20s and 30s can also started searching for rheumatoid arthritis treatments as get affected with the same as well. The condition rheumatoid arthritis is there when the antibodies in the immune system by mistaken started attacking the lining of the joints and thus the resultant condition would be swelling, warmth, pain and limited mobility. Who are at huge risk? Several surveys have done to find the fact and hence conclude that a huge number of rises has been seen with the women as patient of Rheumatoid Arthritis. The estimated rate of Rheumatoid Arthritis in women who ages more than 18 increased up to 33% between last 10 years and that is a matter to concern as no one is sure about what is the reason of having risen in Rheumatoid Arthritis...