The Symptoms of Slip Disc & Its Treatment. Dr. Manu Mengi
A prolapsed disc is normally called a herniated or slipped disc. In such a disorder, the inner substance of the spinal cord bulges out through a weakness or fracture of the outer part of the disc. This bulging disc may sometimes press on the surrounding structures like the nerve that runs within the spinal cord. In certain cases, there is an inflammation around the prolapsed part of the disc, which in turn cases pain. In order to correctly diagnose this problem, a specialist will need to look for the slip disc symptoms. Once it is diagnosed, depending on the extent of the disorder, you will be prescribed with the ideal Slip Disc Treatment in Chandigarh . Causes of slip disc Disk herniation or slipped disc occurs mostly because of the disk generative disorder. This is an age related disorder which results in the gradual disintegration of the body. As you age, the body, especially the spinal disk will lose its ability to retain fluidity, thus making it less flexible and prone...